Global CMT Catalog

Search criteria:

Start date: 2018/8/12   End date: 2018/8/12
60 <=lat<= 90          -180 <=lon<= 180 
0 <=depth<= 1000         -9999 <=time shift<= 9999
0 <=mb<= 10        0<=Ms<= 10           6<=Mw<= 7
0 <=tension plunge<= 90         0 <=null plunge<= 90


Output in full format. All errors are from CMT inversion. If the error is zero, the value may have been fixed prior to inversion.

Event name: 201808121458A

Date (y/m/d): 2018/8/12

Information on data used in inversion

Wave    nsta  nrec  cutoff
Body     165   399   40
Mantle   150   275   125
Surface  168   412   50

Timing and location information

         hr  min   sec       lat     lon    depth   mb   Ms
PDEW     14   58  54.30     69.56  -145.30    2.2  0.0  6.4
CMT      14   59   2.17     69.74  -144.78   12.0
Error              0.04      0.00     0.01    0.0
Assumed half duration:  4.0

Mechanism information
Exponent for moment tensor:  25    units: dyne-cm
         Mrr     Mtt     Mpp     Mrt     Mrp     Mtp
CMT    -0.769  -1.990   2.760   0.489  -1.510  -4.730
Error   0.018   0.019   0.020   0.050   0.051   0.017

Mw = 6.4   Scalar Moment = 5.49e+25
Fault plane:  strike=103    dip=77   slip=175
Fault plane:  strike=194    dip=85   slip=13
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue:  6.03   plunge: 13   azimuth:  59
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue: -1.08   plunge: 76   azimuth: 215
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue: -4.94   plunge:  5   azimuth: 328

Event name: 201808122115A

Date (y/m/d): 2018/8/12

Information on data used in inversion

Wave    nsta  nrec  cutoff
Body     147   310   40
Mantle   116   170   125
Surface  157   361   50

Timing and location information

         hr  min   sec       lat     lon    depth   mb   Ms
PDEW     21   15   1.80     69.52  -144.36    1.7  0.0  6.0
CMT      21   15   4.06     69.68  -144.23   15.3
Error              0.06      0.00     0.01    0.5
Assumed half duration:  2.5

Mechanism information
Exponent for moment tensor:  25    units: dyne-cm
         Mrr     Mtt     Mpp     Mrt     Mrp     Mtp
CMT    -0.138  -0.724   0.862   0.215  -0.249  -1.010
Error   0.008   0.008   0.008   0.025   0.025   0.007

Mw = 6.0   Scalar Moment = 1.32e+25
Fault plane:  strike=200    dip=79   slip=5
Fault plane:  strike=109    dip=85   slip=168
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue:  1.42   plunge: 12   azimuth:  64
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue: -0.20   plunge: 78   azimuth: 266
Eigenvector:  eigenvalue: -1.22   plunge:  5   azimuth: 155

End of events found with given criteria.

See the CMT project web page for more information on CMTs.

Please email comments.
Last modified: 2011-06-29